Conclusion of conference and apeal to politics
From 19 to 22 October 2021, the international online conference “Ways out of Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation in the Danube Region” took place from Ulm. More than 150 selected experts from a total of 10 Danube countries came together for virtual exchange and transnational networking. The goal: combating human trafficking in the Danube Region more effectively.
Apeal to politics – Nordic model also for Germany
Human trafficking and especially trafficking in women and children along the Danube is a massive problem. In addition to better cooperation between the authorities and civil society organisations, a joint strategy is needed to achieve long-term success.
The liberal legislation in Germany was repeatedly mentioned as a central point during the conference. It represents a massive pull factor, since the liberalisation of the law suggests safety and protection in prostitution.
In their Ulm Appeal, the initiators therefore call on politicians to introduce the “Nordic Model” for Germany.
Apeal to politics (englisch, PDF)
Appell an Politik (deutsch, PDF)
Documetation and Results
The interdisciplinary conference focused on the exchange of experiences and sustainable networking between municipal authorities, non-governmental organisations and law enforcement agencies from the Danube countries across state and sector borders. On three consecutive days, the experts discussed the topics of sanctions, help for victims and prevention.
Day 1: Sanctions and International Prosecution

Day 2: Aid for Victims and Victim Protection

Day 3: Prevention

Graphic recordings by Markus Hummel, letterbube ulm
Pressinformation to the conference
20 October 2021
Pressinformation (english, PDF)
Presseinformation (deutsch, PDF)
You find further reactions and reports, as well as podcasts on the conference under Media and Press.